Dental Sedation

Do you get anxious
for dental procedures?

Would you like to feel
more comfortable and relaxed?

Dental Sedation at Campaspe Dental

At Campaspe Dental, we understand that dental anxiety can prevent patients from seeking essential dental care. Our Dental Sedation services offer a safe and comfortable solution, ensuring a stress-free experience for every patient.

Dental sedation at Campaspe Dental takes the stress out of getting the oral healthcare you need.

We understand that visiting the dentist can be intimidating for nervous patients, especially those with dental anxiety – a common problem among people of all ages. In some cases, this can result in individuals delaying or avoiding dental treatment.

What is Dental Sedation?

Medication administered to relax patients during dental procedures, ensuring comfort and ease.
  • Administered medication to help patients relax during dental procedures
  • Range of sedation options available, from mild to deep sedation
  • Allows patients to remain conscious and responsive while feeling calm and comfortable
  • Can be administered orally, intravenously, or through inhalation
  • Monitored closely by trained dental professionals to ensure safety
  • Suitable for patients with dental anxiety, fear of needles, or complex dental procedures
Advantages / Benefits of Dental Sedation:
Reduces anxiety, enhances comfort, facilitates treatment completion, manages gag reflexes, tailored to patient needs, increases satisfaction.
  • Reduces anxiety and fear associated with dental visits
  • Enhances patient comfort and relaxation during procedures
  • Allows for completion of multiple treatments in a single visit
  • Helps manage sensitive gag reflexes and discomfort
  • Can be tailored to individual patient needs and preferences
  • Increases patient satisfaction and compliance with dental care

Process of Dental Sedation:

Comprehensive evaluation, discussion of options, medication administration, monitoring, recovery, and post-operative instructions for smooth recovery.
  • Comprehensive evaluation to assess patient’s medical history and suitability for sedation
  • Discussion of sedation options and informed consent process
  • Administration of sedative medication by trained dental professionals
  • Monitoring vital signs and patient comfort throughout the procedure
  • Recovery period under supervision until effects of sedation wear off
  • Post-operative instructions provided for a smooth recovery process
After your procedure, there’ll be a short recovery time and you’ll need a friend or family member to take you home.

How does IV Dental Sedation work?

Intravenous sedation induces deep relaxation, with a sense of disconnection from your dental treatment. You’re still awake but afterwards may feel as if you’ve slept through the procedure and have no recollection of it.
The medication in IV sedation is an anti-anxiety drug, not a painkiller, so you may also need a local anaesthetic for some treatments.

What problems can Dental Sedation fix?

Addresses dental anxiety, discomfort, and gag reflexes, enabling smooth and efficient dental treatments.
  • Addresses dental anxiety and fear, enabling patients to receive necessary dental care
  • Manages discomfort and gag reflexes during procedures
  • Facilitates completion of complex or lengthy treatments
  • Improves patient experience and satisfaction with dental care
  • Allows for more efficient and effective dental treatment
  • Enhances overall oral health and well-being by promoting regular dental visits
It works fast, minimises discomfort, and you’ll probably remember little if anything about the procedure afterwards.
IV sedation also allows more extensive treatment to be carried out in a single appointment.

Is IV Dental Sedation right for you?

Intravenous dental sedation provides the ideal solution for many people nervous about dental procedures.
It can also benefit those who have:
  • A strong gag reflex
  • A sensitive mouth
  • A general anxiety disorder
  • A phobia about dental procedures
Don’t let dental anxiety or fear prevent you from receiving the care you need. Campaspe Dental offers safe and effective Dental Sedation options to ensure your comfort and relaxation during dental procedures. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience stress-free dentistry in Kyneton.